What is the Louisiana Land Use Toolkit?
The Louisiana Land Use Toolkit is an online resource for local jurisdictions. The Toolkit contains a model set of development regulations that can be used to help guide future growth and development in an sustainable and economically competitive manner. The Toolkit is a shared resource from which parishes and municipalities can adopt a complete development code or select cafeteria-style from individual tools that meet their specific needs.
What are the components of the Toolkit?
The Toolkit is intended to be used in two ways. At its simplest, the Toolkit is a standalone zoning or subdivision code, or a series of growth management tools that can be selected individually to meet specific needs. In its more complete form, the Toolkit can be combined and customized to build a complete development code. The following components make up the Louisiana Land Use Toolkit.
1. Implementation Handbook
The Handbook is the user's manual for the Toolkit. The Handbook explains what you need to get started and provides a step-by-step guide to implementing the Toolkit. The Implementation Handbook is the starting point and should be consulted before beginning the implementation process.
2. Zoning Code
The Zoning Code module includes zoning districts, building types, allowed uses and basic parking and landscaping standards. The Zoning Code module should be used by communities who do not currently have zoning or who want to replace their current zoning.
3. Subdivision Code
The Subdivision Code module includes the basic block, street and utility requirements needed for the subdivision of land. The Subdivision Code module should be used by communities not ready for zoning but still need basic rules to for development.
4. Additional Ordinances
The Additional Ordinances module contains rules for specific components such as signs, historic preservation, landscaping and parking. The Additional Ordinances module should be used by communities that already have zoning or are looking for enhanced requirements.
In the wake of the destruction caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Louisiana Speaks was initiated to work towards the development of a sustainable, long-term vision for Southern Louisiana. Creating model codes for community development was one of the top ten priorities of the Louisiana Speaks effort. Model development and zoning codes were seen as fundamental tools needed to enable communities to grow smarter. A key intent was to develop these codes so they could be tailored to the conditions of Louisiana, including addressing reinvestment in existing communities and development in the coastal environment.
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