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100 Lafayette St
Baton Rouge, LA, 70801
United States




The Implementation Handbook is the user’s manual and step-by-step guide to the Louisiana Land Use Toolkit. The Handbook serves as the instruction manual for converting the Toolkit into a customized zoning code, subdivision code or development code that meets the specific needs of your community. The Handbook identifies what you need to get started and provides an idea of what to expect as you move through the process. The Handbook is the starting point and should be consulted before beginning the implementation process.

Click on the steps below to learn more about each phase of implementing the Land Use Toolkit. 

It is likely that when implementing the Toolkit, you will need to make modifications to the standards in order to "right size" the Toolkit for your community. It is recommended that before you begin customizing the Toolkit, contact the Center for Planning Excellence to help you through the process.

Step 1: Modify Buildings Types
The Toolkit establishes a series of building types as a way to set lot dimensional standards. Your community must decide which building types are appropriate in each zoning district. The precise mix of building types should be adjusted to match your community's needs. The dimensional standards for each building type should also be reviewed and, if needed, adjusted to reflect the desired pattern of development for your community. Learn more about the building types in the Toolkit.

Step 2: Modify Allowed Uses
Uses are allowed by zoning district. The precise set of allowed uses by zoning district must be calibrated to fit your community’s tolerance for controlling land uses. You must decide the uses that are appropriate in each zoning district. Learn more about calibrating the allowed uses.

Step 3: Review Street and Block Standards
The Toolkit includes dimensional standards for the construction of new streets and blocks. The street cross-sections should be reviewed by your local engineer and local utility providers. This helps to ensure that new streets meet local needs. Likewise, the block standards should be reviewed to ensure that they are appropriately scaled for your respective neighborhoods. Learn more about reviewing the street and block standards.

Step 4: Determine Applicable Site Development Standards
The Toolkit contains a set of site development standards designed to address such things as parking, lighting, landscaping and signs. Site development standards increase the overall quality of development and help mitigate the impact of activities on neighboring property owners. Your community will need to determine the willingness to regulate each of the various elements. Learn more about site development standards.

Step 5: Modify Approval Procedures
The Toolkit provides a model set of approval and administrative procedures. You will have to consider the appropriate level of review for your community. This may vary based on staff capacity and community tolerance for administrative decision-making. Learn more about modifying the approval procedures.

Step 6: Update the Definitions
To aid with the understanding of Toolkit provisions, a series of defined terms have been provided. As Articles and Sections of the Toolkit are added and removed during the calibration process, the list of defined terms will have to be modified. Learn more about updating the defined terms.